Osaka, Chuo-gu, Tanimachi / 1K / 28.18㎡ / 4,610円 ~ 3,760円
address: Tanimachi 6-chome 18-22, Chuo-gu, Osaka / 大阪府大阪市中央区谷町六丁目18-22
임대료 일람
SS |
S |
M |
L |
7~29days |
30~89days |
90~179days |
180days~ | |
rent fee/임대료 |
4,610円/day |
4,380円/day |
3,860円/day |
3,760円/day |
electricity, water/광열비 |
750円/day |
750円/day |
750円/day |
750円/day |
cleaning fee/청소비 |
10,800円 |
10,800円 |
13,800円 |
13,800円 |
task fee/업무수수료 |
9,800円 |
12,800円 |
15,800円 |
18,800円 |
manage fee/관리수수료 |
none |
none |
10,800円 |
21,600円 |
7일 기준 총비용 시물레이션:32,270엔(임대료)+5,250엔(광열비)+10,800엔(청소비)+9,800엔(업무수수료)= 58,120엔
25.35㎡의 넓이는 일반 호텔에서라면 일 20,000엔 이상하는 스위트급입니다. 반면 하우스텔에서는4,560円~3,710円의 저렴한 비용으로 숙박을 즐길 수 있습니다.
물건 개요
건물명 |
Shinsaibashi心斎橋3-B |
주소명address |
大阪府大阪市中央区谷町六丁目18-22/ Tanimachi 6-chome 18-22, Chuo-gu, Osaka |
교통 Traffic |
大阪市営地下鉄長堀鶴見緑地線 松屋町 徒歩1分/ Nagahori Thurumiryokuchi line Mathuya STA.1min |
Layout / occupied area |
1K Western room ( 8.1tatami size) 28.18㎡ |
Built years |
Mar 2006 |
Structure | Reinforced Concrete 철근 콘크리트 |
설비 사양
설비 / Features |
오토록Auto-lock, 엘리베이터elevator, 방범카메라security camera, 티비형인터폰interphone with LED, 택배박스parcel BOX for delivery service, 급탕시설hot water supply facilities, 유선인터넷Internet (ADSL) |
주방 / Kitchen |
2구 가스렌지Gas stove(two-burner), 냉장고refrigerator, 밥솥rice cooker, 전자렌지microwave, 전기포트electric kettle, electric kettle, 프라이팬frying pan, 냄비류pot, 주방용칼kitchen knife, 도마cutting board , 식기세제dishwashing detergent, 설것이용스폰지sponge, 카운터키친counter kitchen |
Bath · Toilet |
세면대wash basin, 욕조와 화장실분리Bath and toilet Separate, 욕조재가열기Reheating-Bath,욕조건조기Bath Dryer,비데bidet,화장지toilet paper, 화장실세제bathroomd etergent, 욕실매트bath mat, 드라이어Dryer, 세탁기washing machine, 건조대drying rack, 빨레봉Clothes drying-stick |
Interior |
장농Closet, 베란다veranda, 에어컨air conditioning, LED TV, DVD, VHS, 조명lighting, 커튼curtain, 신발장shoe box, 청소기cleaner |
Furniture |
세미더블침대Semi-Double-Bed,TV tand, 테이블Table,쇼파Sofa |
Other | 행거Hanger, 침구bedding |
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No.31 心斎橋Shinsaibashi 4-B / 1K / 33.6㎡ / 4,930円~4,030円 (0) | 2015.11.03 |
No.30 心斎橋Shinsaibashi 6 / 1K / 29.34㎡ / 4,930円~4,030円 (0) | 2015.11.03 |